I'm 11 weeks! (Okay, I'm actually almost 11 1/2 but I was a little late this week) Pregnancy Highlights: How Far Along: 11 Weeks Size of baby: Baby is the size of a lime this week
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 3 lbs. Maternity Clothes: None yet but I'm thinking it won't be too long- pants are getting a little snug!
Gender: We will know May 13th! I'm still feeling boy! Take the poll and make your guess on the right side of the screen.
Movement: Can't feel any yet but baby was VERY active on the ultrasound today.
Sleep: The getting up to pee constantly is easing up but I still toss and turn a lot which is very unusual for me.
What I miss: Can't say anything yet.
Cravings: Mexican food, cheese dip and jelly beans (especially the Sour Patch Easter ones...YUM!)
Symptoms: Bloating, indigestion and some other things you don't want me to mention...
Best Moment this week: Seeing a perfect healthy little baby moving around at our doctors appointment today!
I absolutely hate this picture but it's me at 11 Weeks. I wore a rather form fitting dress to work and this was the result- I look more like I ate too many cheeseburgers than pregnant.